High-Yield Acoustic Grader for MSR Lumber



    Immediately reduce your costs and increase your production capacity.


    Ecoustic operates at speeds of up to 380 boards per minute, providing consistent reliability with low operating and maintenance costs.

    It’s robust and accurate, sorts lumber for stiffness and density, and is capable of grading sawn or planed, green or dry condition.

    Best of all, it provides a faster ROI than traditional grading machines, and performance is assured.


    Why more than 40 customers use the Ecoustic Grader

    • Highest MSR yield and fast ROI

    • No daily maintenance required

    • Low operating and maintenance costs

    • Robust - just a single moving part

    • Fastest system in operation

    • Continual development and improvement

    • Planermill and sawmill options

    • MoE stiffness and density measurement

    • Sawmill moisture sorting

    • ALSC and COFI approved

    • MSG and SG Grading, AS/NZS approved